Friday, Saturday, and Monday had music filled nights.
Friday Norman and I headed out to the Shonen Knife at 7th St. Entry. It turns out the opening bands were way better than I had hoped. Blind Shake was the opener, followed by Heavy Cream which was good enough for me to decide I needed their LP, and signatures. They reminded me of Those Darlins which is another great band from Nashville, and they actually turned out to be friends. I picked up the Shonen Knife LP as well just because they are not from this country, and definitely worth listening to.
Saturday Norman, Libby, John Volpe (he rides a Volpe), and I saw tUnE-yArDs who put on a great show. Very very dancy. The show actually sold out the main room and was so packed it was impossible to move. We ended up getting pretty good views though, mostly because Norman made a friend pretty quick who was farther up than we were. I think I am going to have to listen to more tUne-yArDs (funky capitalization).
Monday was Noah and the Whale Noah & The Whale which was a lot more low key. They were very British and put on a good show… the singer reminded me of The Doctor. The opening artist, Nikki Lane, reminded me of a southern Zooey Deschanel. She mentioned thrifting before the show… I couldn’t tell if that was to win indie points. Some nights I definitely prefer the 1st Ave. shows that don’t sell out… more room, and more intimate feeling. I definitely felt a bit old though when I saw the crowd that showed up for the show. *shrug*